Cop Watch

Friday, July 15, 2005

Man dies after struggling with Phoenix police

PHOENIX - A man died early today after struggling with employees of a fast-food restaurant and then Phoenix police.

The man was in custody when police say he stopped breathing and later was pronounced dead at the scene.

The incident began about 12:30 this morning when police say the man pushed his way into a Church's Chicken at Seventh and Grand avenues as employees were locking up.

Employees struggled with the man, who they say was acting bizarrely, then locked him inside and went and called police.

Police say the man fought several officers when they arrived, and officers say they touch-Tasered the man three times. Police spokesman Sergeant Randy Force says that meant the officers didn't use the Taser full-strength, only enough to induce pain to a localized area.

An autopsy will be conducted.